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Monday, March 1, 2010

Manusia ke Binatang?

Pertama-tama sekali, sory coz aku guna bahasa kasar ni!.. Itupun tak dapat nak gambarkan lagi rasa sakit hati aku ni tentang kes penderaan pada budak2 kecik. Aku nak mengulas pun rasanya tak perlu kot..kat TV, radio, paper dan kat mana2 lagi dah ramai org. yg. mengulas tindakan manusia bodoh yang tak ade peri kemanusiaan...

Pada orang2 kat luar sana tu yang ada sikap suka mendera budak2 ni, tak kiralah kau tu jantan ke betina ke, hei! tolong2lah insaf... kalau dah baran sgt. ke, sakit hati ke or ape2 lagilah bodoh kau org. tu, jgnlah dera budak2. Faham tak? Kau patut dera diri kau tu sendiri.. then kau rasa sendiri sakitnya!

Aku rasa manusia yang giler mcm ni memang tak kenal kiblat kot! Kalau dia kenal, insyaallah solat itu boleh mencegah manusia drpd. melakukan perkara2 yang keji ni..

Aku kat sini nak share dgn. korang semua, how to loving our kids... info from internet. Happy reading and practising.

Twenty Free Ways to Love Your Child
1. Set aside time just to talk with your child. No phones, no TV, just talk.
Find out what happened during your child’s day.
2. In good weather, sit outside with your child and watch the world go by,
even if it’s only for 10 minutes.
3. Make family routines and traditions. Try to share at least one meal as a
family every day. If weekdays are impossible, then every weekend.
4. Talk to your child about school and friends.
5. Tell your child you love her.
6. Tell her again.
7. Go to the park. Walk around; swing on the swings.
8. Pay attention to what your child is doing. Things that seem mundane to
parents can be very important to children. Share your child’s little victories.
9. Let your child help with what you are doing.
10. Show interest in your child’s thoughts and feelings so he will be more willing
to come to you with his problems and concerns.
11. Respect your child’s thoughts and feelings. Her feelings are as real to her as
yours are to you.
12. Tell your child you love him.
13. Tell him again.
14. Look at your child when you talk together. If she sees you reading a newspaper
or watching TV while she is talking, she may believe that what she is saying is
unimportant to you.
15. Catch your child being good, and praise him.
16. Make a bedtime routine that you try to stick to every night. Children like
routines, and it can be a great time for sharing the day’s events.
17. Read a story together.
18. Make something with your child. Make brownies or a birdhouse.
19. Tell your child you love her. Hug her.
20. Tell her again. Hug her again.

Anak2 adalah anugerah Allah, pelihara dan sayangilah mereka. Semoga apa yang berlaku menjadi ikhtibar pada semua.

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